The Best Trivia Websites and Online Trivia Leagues
BP Trivia runs live trivia events in Maryland but BPTrivia.com is home to one of the best online trivia communities out there. Some of the best quizzers in the world play every month and they have a variety of quizzes and styles for people of all levels. You can join for a low monthly fee and see how you stack up against some of the best in the world and your first month is always free.
ASN is the Apocalypse Sports Network and is dedicated to sports trivia. It works similar to Learned League but you can join without an invite and your first season is free,
OQL is the Online Quiz League and an offshoot of the UK version. Teams of 4 play head to head in weekly matches on zoom. Questions range from simple to extremely difficult so there is something for people of all skill levels. If you don't have a team you can sometimes join as a free agent.
Sometimes referred to as the "Fight Club" of Trivia. LearnedLeague is an online trivia league that is exclusive and to join you must be invited by a current member. They cap the number of players so there is typically a waiting list to join but there are trivia players from all over the world and all different skill levels on the site. If you can score an invite your first season is free.
Quip which stands for Quizzing in Progress is one of the newer online trivia offerings out there. It is a team based game but if you don't have a team you can sign up as a free agent. Teams of 3 play in weekly matches over Zoom and they have a variety of questions of varying lengths and topics and players get to pick their categories.
Sporcle.com has been providing online quizzes to people for well over a decade. Think you can name all the countries of the world? There is a quiz for that? All the elements? That too. They have a wide range of quizzes that are all free to play. They also run pub trivia and their annual SporcleCon event. Sporcle is on the the best things to happen to the trivia community.